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My name is Ibraheem Daud Campbell.

I was raised attending both the Christian Church and the Muslim Mosque, always curious about religion. Around the age of 14, I made the decision that Islam was my chosen path. However, due to the negative perceptions surrounding the religion, I kept my belief a secret. When discussions about Islam arose, I played the role of an Islamic sympathizer, being careful not to reveal that I, too, identified as a Muslim.

As the years passed, the stigma surrounding Islam and Muslims intensified, but so did my desire to proclaim that ISLAM IS THE TRUTH. Throughout my life, I engaged in discussions about religion. About three years ago, I realized that the issues brought up in these debates and dialogues required thorough details, evidence, and explanations. Drawing from the wealth of books, lectures, debates, and conversations with people of various beliefs—Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, atheists, and agnostics—I set out to write a single book that would convincingly portray the truth about the God of the universe.

This initial project evolved into eight books, each with the primary goal of proving the validity of Islam. I poured my sincerest efforts into these writings, hoping that readers would set aside their preconceived ideas and approach the material with an open mind.

Now, through my website IslamIsTheTruth.org, I continue to explore and share insights on various Islamic topics. It serves as a platform where individuals from diverse backgrounds can delve deeper into the profound truths of Islam, fostering understanding and dialogue among readers. My aspiration is that through these books and the content on the website, individuals will discover a common ground in understanding the beauty and significance of Islam in our lives.